Friday, May 27, 2011

getting back to good

Laughter is good medicine!  Smiles are contagious!  sharing is something that brings out the best in us......the list goes on an on.  If you start your day off with a positive thought and focus on the things that matter, letting go of the little things that don't, you're guaranteed to have an awesome day!  Take a minute to think about others and not focus on what you are dealing with. Believe me, there is someone out there that is worse off than you.  You might even notice people around you that might need that extra hand or that kind word from you.

We as a society have fallen so far from the time when we cared about what our neighbors thought or how we could help someone who was in need.  I see it and I know you see it every day.  Everyone seems to be in this "it's all about me" world.  I make sure I do something that will bring joy to someone else even if its only for the moment.  I take time out from my daily happenings to focus on what I can do for someone else and if everyone did that there would be no need for wars.  I love it when someone you least expect to hear from either calls because they're thinking of you or sends something so small but yet so touching that it makes you tear up.  I love it when the person you love, for no reason, writes you a note to tell you how much they appreciate you!  It's the little things in life that bring you the most pleasure.......

Take the time to tell someone they're appreciated or help someone you don't know.....share your smile with the world!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

creating or pilfering ingredients?

Just got my computer running after a week and still do not have all the software loaded.  I have noticed from seeing other sites that a lot of the raw recipe ingredients from various sites are looking similar lately.  Makes me wonder who actually created the original.  It's really easy to take someones ideas and change a few things to make it look like your creation.  Thing is, does that make you a thief or someone who can adapt a recipe to fit your style?  A lot of the raw food creations are taken from a cooked version and made to taste similar to the cooked "comfort" foods.  There are recipes out there whether raw or cooked that just don't taste the way you want them to so you change this and that and add this or that to make a version that is delicious to your taste buds.   Where does that line get drawn?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Did I miss it?

I am not someone who watches the news and a lot of tv because I don't want the negativity to effect my life.  I did, however, notice a great bit of talk about today being the end of the world.  I won't get into that but will say that we will know when it happens but will not know the date.  My husband, myself and two close friends have been walking the Roosevelt bridge on Saturdays and it is awesome!  I am really enjoying looking over the beautiful water and feeling the fresh (as fresh as it gets) air.  It's nice to have friends who are getting into a healthy lifestyle.  It's totally amazing how many unhealthy, overweight and uncaring people there are out there.  If you sit and watch people in public places you will see that majority are overweight and walking around oblivious to what they are doing to themselves.  Then you look at the older people who are using walkers or are ridden by some kind of illness and it kind of reminds me of a robotic life.  everyone going through the motions of living, following the same routines and listening to the same information - believing what they hear about on the TV and radio.  "milk!  it does a body good".  "beef!  it's what's for dinner".......  Take the red pill people!!!

I found this on the internet that really made me think of our daily lives so I am gonna share it with you.

The terms redpill and its opposite, bluepill, are pop culture terms that have become a common symbol for the choice between the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue) and embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red). The terms were popularized in science fiction culture via the 1999 film The Matrix. The movie relies on the premise that an artificial reality exists that is advanced enough so as to be indistinguishable from reality, and that no test exists that can conclusively prove that reality is not a simulation. This ties in closely with the skeptical idea that the everyday world is illusory, a simulated reality. In the movie, the main character Neo is offered the choice between a red pill and a blue pill with the red pill leading to his "escape" from the Matrix, a fictional computer-generated world set in 1999, while the blue pill will allow him to remain in the world with no knowledge that anything is wrong.

this is so close to what you see out there.............
Hope I don't offend anyone.........just my thoughts

Thursday, May 19, 2011

reflecting on the fall!

What a week this has been!  I, having a slight ADHD life, decided I would pick one project and finish it regardless of what would not get done in the mean time.  First project I chose was the front porch and as of tomorrow I can say it will be completed.  I have also made the decision to get back to the healthy me I used to know and love!  I am armed with a schedule and recipes to get me going in the right direction again.  I'm not sure if it was the stress of not knowing if I would have a job or running to the point of exhaustion that was causing me to have these weird cravings for "JUNK" foods but whatever it was I ran with it.  The biggest problem with eating the way I did was not the actual eating itself and the struggle with my "healthy self beliefs" but it was the side effects from eating that way.  the worse I ate, the more tired and run down I became and the more I would crave the foods that sent me on the spiral I was trapped in.  Before long your skin breaks out and your whole way of thinking changes.  You allow yourself to think negative thoughts and have down moments.  It's a vicious cycle and even though I knew what was going on, I kept telling myself "I'll start over tomorrow".  Ever have that happen?  Tomorrow turns into many tomorrows.  Believe me when I say "S.A.D. (standard american diet) IS AN ADDICTION!"  You can go for days, weeks, or months without wanting or desiring cooked or processed foods and then the first time you tell yourself "one bite won't kill me" BAM!  it starts.  Much like someone who quits smoking.  You go along for days, weeks, months or even years without thinking about it and then you pick that one cigarette up thinking "one won't hurt me".  Next thing you know you find yourself having another and telling yourself "I can quit at any time".  Before you know it you are smoking just as much as when you quit!  Addictions are real!  All you can do is love yourself and ask if this is what you really want.  If it is not then get up on the horse and try again.  I'm through with beating myself up when I fall off.  I quit smoking almost 10 years ago and that was after several attempts to quit.  I know that when I finally get it right, there will be no turning back!  One day at a time!  Sometimes 1 hour at a time........

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Today my husband and I with two of our close friends walked across the Roosevelt bridge!  It was a total of 2.2 miles both ways.  I got a feeling about half way across the first half that I wanted to run and just took off!  What a great feeling.  Of course I wasn't able to run the whole distance but it has given me a new goal.  Today was a great day!

Friday, May 13, 2011

falling off the wagon

The title should say it all....
Lately I have fallen into the rut where I am making excuses to have foods I know are not good for my body.  Seems as if, on those days, everyone I know is pushing my buttons,  either offering foods to me that used to be a comfort food or wanting to eat at places that I have limited healthy choices.  Ever have one of those days?   It's like the world is out to get you and no matter how hard you try, it throws everything your way to win!  I will find myself eating the foods that make me feel awesome and full of energy for three days and then it is like someone has thrown the switch and I find myself trying to sabotage everything.  I can tell, when I do fall off, my body suffers and it takes days to get back to the energy and pep I had before the fall.  It is all about being human and I do not suffer from guilt because I had a bad day!  I am gonna take it one day at a time and do the best I can!  This would be so much easier if I had a great support system.