Friday, May 27, 2011

getting back to good

Laughter is good medicine!  Smiles are contagious!  sharing is something that brings out the best in us......the list goes on an on.  If you start your day off with a positive thought and focus on the things that matter, letting go of the little things that don't, you're guaranteed to have an awesome day!  Take a minute to think about others and not focus on what you are dealing with. Believe me, there is someone out there that is worse off than you.  You might even notice people around you that might need that extra hand or that kind word from you.

We as a society have fallen so far from the time when we cared about what our neighbors thought or how we could help someone who was in need.  I see it and I know you see it every day.  Everyone seems to be in this "it's all about me" world.  I make sure I do something that will bring joy to someone else even if its only for the moment.  I take time out from my daily happenings to focus on what I can do for someone else and if everyone did that there would be no need for wars.  I love it when someone you least expect to hear from either calls because they're thinking of you or sends something so small but yet so touching that it makes you tear up.  I love it when the person you love, for no reason, writes you a note to tell you how much they appreciate you!  It's the little things in life that bring you the most pleasure.......

Take the time to tell someone they're appreciated or help someone you don't know.....share your smile with the world!

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